01. About Us

We are committed to providing wealth management planning that is ethical and right for you

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02. Our Philosophy

Our focus is to understand your goals and offer honest and unbiased advice. Integrity is the cornerstone to everything we do

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03. Our Process

Having a strong process is the best way to create a sound financial plan: one that seeks to address your current needs while preparing and protecting your plans for the future as well

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Our Services


Financial Planning

Many individuals confuse financial planning with general savings and investing advice. While how to save (and how much!), and where and when to invest those savings, is every bit important, prudent Financial Planning goes much beyond the realm of just saving and investing.
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Retirement Planning

When you are young and just starting a professional life, retirement might be the last thing on your mind. However, if you ask any retired person, or someone entering retirement, what advice they would give you about planning for that day, chances are they’ll say: Start as soon as you can!
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Investment Planning

Investment planning isn’t just picking stocks or mutual funds…it’s formulating a plan in which to build the optimal asset allocation to meet your specific goals and objectives, while maintaining appropriate levels of risk.
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Education Planning

Like Retirement Planning, which has to commence long before you enter into retirement, Education Planning (for yourself or your children) needs to occur well before mature learners or young scholars are poised to embrace higher education.
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Our Team

Finally, a Financial Advisor who knows what matters most.

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Dusty Beam |
4 Pervasive Myths About Inflation Inflation can feel inescapable these days. For most of us, it also feels like inflation is higher and more persistent than it actually is. 1 That could be because we’re seeing higher prices practically everywhere. 1 Despite our experience, though, that misperception can actually harm us. It can also be bad for inflation in general. 1 That’s because thinking inflation is worse than it is can stoke our fears of...
Can you relate to any of the following? “I should have bought that stock before the company went public!” “What a shame — I wish I had invested in that new tech before it went mainstream!” What’s the next “unicorn” that will make a fortune?” It’s common to feel this way. Many of us experience “fear of missing out” — or FOMO — in our financial lives. 1 When we do, it can cloud our...
As a long-term investor, you’re always thinking about what factors drive your investment returns. Unfortunately, many investors focus on things that cause short-term changes and actually have no impact on long-term market returns. It’s not their fault – these myths are so commonly believed that many so-called “savvy investors” would preach to you of their importance. To help you make informed investment decisions, let’s look at three investment factors that, contrary to popular belief, don’t...